", "datePublished": "2019-06-26T20:00", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Atico Lab Export", "sameAs": "https://aticolabexport.com/" }, "description": "
Showing all 52 results for "Electronics Instruments"
Mounted on base, with 4mm colour coded sockets, with circuit...
Mini Motor Unit :-A small motor, which operates from 1.5 to...
PNP Transistor Unit
Photo Electric Cell Unit Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter...
Solar Cell Unit :- With motor, unit capable of rotating a sm...
Triode Valve Mounted :- To explain the principle of triode.
Variable Capacitors :-In cabinet with transparent panel, con...
Rubbing Cloth Flannel Rubbing Cloth Flannel :- Size 300 m...
Rubbing Cloth Woolen Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter Ind...
Wimshurst Machine - The two plates are supported in two rigi...
Plug Key One Way Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter IndiaTw...
Weatstone Bridge 4 Gaps Specification:4 gap type. Mounted...
Power Supply 5 KV E.T.H. Specification:Output 100 to 5 KV...
Power Supply A.C And D.C Low Tention
Power Supply A.C/D.C Low Tention 0-20 volts D.C. And 0-25...
Helmholtz Coils Provide a substantially uniform field at t...
MultiVolt Transformer A.C. Specification:Voltage output 1,...
Ohms Law Apparatus This apparatus is designed to demonstra...
Semiconductor - Mini-Motor Unit
Semiconductor - Mini-Motor Unit A small motor which operates...
Youngs Modulus Economical Useful for studying the relation...
Strain Gauge Strain generated on hanging slotted weights...
Push Switch Part of electronic component modules. Pushing...
Galileo Thermometer The liquid in the glass tube becomes l...
Transistor NPN Comprises an n-p-n junction bipolar transis...
Hygrometer, Wet & Dry Bulb, Mason’s Comprising two the...
Transistor PNP Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter India C...
Pyramid Useful tool for students to understand the concept...
Pyramid Acrylic A hollow pyramid, made of pieces clear ac...
Dissectible Cone Made of hardwood nicely painted and disse...
Power Transistor NPN An n-p-n type power transistor mounte...
Acrylic Transparent Engine To demonstrate a group of pupil...
Hair Hygrometer ircular dial type hygrometer with scale 0...
Rain Gauge All sheet metal construction of copper provided...
Variable Resistance A resistor that can be varied fitted o...
Set Of Circles A simple device useful for counting and amo...
Wind Vane, Balanced A simple device for determining the di...
Hall Effect Probe Magnetic fields produced by permanent ma...
French Curve Comprises a set of four quadrant arcs, hinged...
Pascal Law Apparatus A simple apparatus to demonstrate the...
Density Sphere Demonstrates the dependence of density of a...
Venturi Tube Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter India Thi...
U-Tube Manometer, Deluxe Comprises a transparent flexible...
Hydraulic Press Syringe Type Simple construction permits...
Pascal’s Demonstrator To demonstrate the principal used in...
Hydraulic Brake For demonstration of the principle of hydr...
Air Compression Fire Generator
Air Compression Fire Generator This device is used to illu...
Boyle’s Mariotte Law A smaller more economical version giv...
Boyle’s Law Apparatus, Advanced Designed for Boyle’s Law d...
Vacuum Pump Plate On Base Comprises a circular aluminium d...
Vacuum Pump Syringe A hand operated pump comprising a cyli...
Vacuum Pump, Hand Operated Combination of vacuum pump syri...
We are a popular Transformer Manufacturer, Transformer Supp...
Features : LSI-circuit provides high reliabil...
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