Showing all 9 results for "Civil Engineering Lab Instruments"
Atico Lab Export is a leading manufacturer, supplier and exporter of Civil engineering lab Instruments. Established In 1956, and supplying laboratory equipment to Universities, Engineering colleges, Govt. organizations, Highway-road developments, building and construction projects. extensive range of ISO-certified Civil engineering lab equipments, providing high-quality and durable equipments to our clients across the countries. Expert team of engineers available to support, feel free to contact us via email or live chat support. Our Civil Engineering Lab Equipments are highly used by the worldwide customer base that confirms our lab equipment products with its strength, durability, elasticity, and properties of building materials. Our clients belong to many different industries like construction industries, universities, educational institutions, research laboratories quality control departments. We are backed with a plethora of Civil Engineering Lab Instruments in India ranging from sampling equipment to microprocessor controlled testing systems for use both in the field as well as in lab testing.
Aggregate Testing EquipmentAggregate Testing Equip...
Bitumen Testing Equipment Manufacturers, Supplier...
Cement Testing Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier, a...
Atico Compression Testing Equipment At A...
Construction Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier, and...
Soil Testing Equipment Manufacturer, Supplier &...
Survey Equipments We are manufacturer and supplier...
Concrete Testing Equipments Manufac...
Civil Engineering EquipmentGet quality civil engin...
Consists of Case hardened Mild steel cylindrical container o...
Concrete Test Hammer Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter Ind...
Aggregate Impact Value Test Apparatus
Aggregate Impact Value Test Apparatus Used to determine the...
Los Angles Abrasion Testing Machine
Los Angles Abrasion Testing Machine Los Angeles Abrasion Tes...
The apparatus is used for determining the workability of fre...
Buoyancy Balance The unit is attached with a 15 kg capacity...
Aggregate Rushing Value Apparatus
Aggregate Rushing Value Apparatus Consists of Case hardened...
Density Basket The Density basket is of 20cm dia x 20cm high...
Deval Abrasion Testing Machine
Deval Abrasion Testing Machine For the determination of resi...
Elongation Gauge Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter IndiaEl...
Flakiness Gauge Used to determine the flakiness index of th...
Jaw Crusher Laboratory Type Two jaws of manganese steel are...
Riffle Sample Divider Consists of a metal box fitted with a...
Sand Absorption Cone And Tamper
Sand Absorption Cone And Tamper Used for specific gravity a...
Sieve Shaker (Gyratory) This sieve shaker is designed to ca...
Sieve Shaker - Hand Operated This is a bench type model whi...
Sieve Shaker (Rotap) This Shaker reproduces both circular a...
Automatic Marshal Compactor It is a motor driven mechanical...
Length of the probe arm from pivot to probe point 244cm....
Bitumen Extractor Electrically Operated
Bitumen Extractor Electrically Operated Hand driven The Ce...
Bitumen Penetrometer Hand Operated: The apparatus consist of...
Camber Board Material Aluminum section of size 24 mm x 45...
Hand driven The Centrifuge Extractor comprises of a precisio...
Cleaveland Flash & Fire Point Apparatus
Cleaveland Flash & Fire Point Apparatus The apparatus co...
Conradson Carbon Residue Apparatus
It is used to determine the amount of carbon deposit when an...
Suitable to cut / drill cores of concrete, rocks, stones, Ti...
The apparatus consist of 500 ml heat resistant glass with ne...
Distillation For Cut Back Bitumen
Distillation For Cut Back Bitumen The apparatus consists of...
Ductility Testing Machine The Machine consists of the follo...
Ductility Testing Machine (Refrigerated)
Ductility Testing Machine (Refrigerated) With refrigeration...
Elastic Recovery Mould Made of brass /Gunmetal with the sha...
Float Test Apparatus without thermometer.
Hardness Tester For Mastic Asphalt
Hardness Tester For Mastic Asphalt Hardness Number is define...
Kinematic Viscosity Bath Double walled, outer chamber made o...
Loss On Heating Test Apparatus for loss on heating test of...
Low Temperature Water Bath It is a motor driven mechanical...
Marshall Stability Test Apparatus
Marshall Stability And Flow Test (Complete with accessories)...
Marshall Stability Test Apparatus (Digit...
Marshall Stability Test Apparatus (Digital) Used for the me...
Pensky Marten Flash Point Apparatus
Pensky Marten Flash Point Apparatus This apparatus is made...
Petroleum Distillation Apparatus
Petroleum Distillation Apparatus Distillation apparatus for...
Planetary Mixer Electrically operated, fitted with heating j...
Also called Softening Point Apparatus. This apparatus is mea...
Softening Point Apparatus The apparatus consist of Glass be...
Specific Gravity Bottle Specific Gravity Bottle with stopper...
Standard Penetrometer With Automatic Tim...
Standard Penetrometer With Automatic Timer The apparatus is...
Straight Edge Used to measure irregularities in road paveme...
Tar Viscometer The apparatus consist of bath with cup of 10...
Thin Film Oven The unit is heavily insulated & has a dou...
U-Tube Viscometer Cannon Fenske Direct flow type Specific...
Vacuum Pump Complete with base, motor, pulley and belt. The...
Accelerated Curing Tank a) 24 Hour cycle from time of mixi...
Ball Mill Laboratory Ball Mill, Heavy Duty. Consist of a d...
Blain Air Permeability Apparatus
Blain Air Permeability Apparatus The Blaine air permeabilit...
Cement Autoclave It is suitable for conducting accelerated...
Compression Testing Machine 500 KN
Compression Testing Machine - 500 Kn Capacity Loading Unit T...
Curing Compound Mould The mould is made of stainless steel a...
Flow Table Specifications : Consists of a steel table top...
Flow Table Motorised Electrically operated, to raise and dro...
Gauging Trowel Pointed type with approx. 210 gm weight. Fitt...
Heat Of Hydration Of Cement This equipment is required to d...
L-Box For Self Compacting Concrete
L-Box For Self Compacting Concrete
Le Chatelier Mould The apparatus consist of a small split c...
Length Comparator The apparatus can be used for three basic...
Mortar Mixer This apparatus has specially been designed to...
Photometric Test Apparatus
Pulverizer Laboratory Type Laboratoty Pulverizer is a disc...
With 45° Diffuse reflectance head with Tristimulus green fil...
Sieve Shaker (Table Model) Soundless Vibration type cast i...
Standard Spatula This is for use while casting a cement briq...
Tensile Briquette Testing Machine
Tensile Briquette Testing Machine Manually Operated Mot...
Vibrating Machine Concrete moulds are easily cast by using a...
Vicat Needle Apparatus This instrument is used for determin...
Vicat Needle Apparatus With Dashpot
Vicat Needle Apparatus With Dashpot This instrument is used...
Waterbath For Le Chatlier Flask
Waterbath For Le Chatlier Flask
Air Enterainment Meter Air content of fresh concrete is nor...
Concrete Mixer (Laboratory Type)
Concrete Mixer(Laboratory Type) The Concrete Mixers are ava...
Concrete Penetrometer This test is used to determine the ela...
Concrete Permeability Apparatus
Concrete Permeability Apparatus The set-up consist of perme...
Concrete Thermometer Temperature of concrete at the time of...
Cube Mould Specification Cube Mould Material Made From...
Cylindrical Moulds 10cm x 20cm Made of Cast Iron – with ba...
Extensometer The unit consists of two movable frames pivoted...
Fill Box For Scc Test
Flexural Testing Machine The machine consists of a motorize...
Hydraulic Jack Capacity : 10 Tonne, 20 Tonne, 25, Tonne, 50...
Ring Apparatus J-ring test the passing ability of the concre...
Lateral Extensometer
Longitudinal Compressometer For 150mm dia x 300mm high spec...
Needle Vibrator Features: The vibrator is mounted on a Spr...
Concrete Vibrator Concrete Vibrator Poker CVP is a construct...
O Funnel Apparatus
Point Load Index Tester Used for testing rock, aggregate and...
Slump Test Apparatus It is used for the determination of th...
Tile Abrasion Tester The tile sample is pressed under a spe...
Tile Flexure Testing Machine is used to determine the flexur...
Vee Bee Consistometer The instrument comprises of a slump...
Vibrating Table The Vibrating table is entirely constructed...
Volume Change Apparatus The instrument is used for determin...
Compression Testing Machine Manufacturer, Supplier & Exp...
Compression Testing Machine (Channel Typ...
Compression testing machine - channel type model, complete w...
Compression Testing Machine (Plate Model...
Compression testing machine - plate model, complete with sin...
Compression Testing Machine (2 Pillars T...
Compression Testing Machine - 2Pillars Nut Type Model, compl...
Mini Mobile Batching Plant Reversible Drum Mixer Model...
Bishop Pore Pressure Apparatus
Bishop Pore Pressure Apparatus This apparatus is used for m...
Coarse Sieves G.I. Frame Sieves (30 & 45 cms Dia) 125...
It will consist of metallic cone with half angle of 15' -30...
Consolidation Test Apparatus Single Gang Three Gang Six Gang...
Constant Oil And Water Pressure Apparatu...
Constant Oil And Water Pressure Apparatus
Digital CBR Apparatus
Automatic Levels 200 Series We manufacture the best quality...
Digital Theodolite Specifications A B Angle Measurement...
Dumpy Level Our expertise in this domain has helped us in ma...
General Features & Specifications Measuring Range 0...
Our range of telescopic tripods/ levelling staff is apprecia...
Two Rows Large Scale Display 3D Sensor for enhanced Ste...
Roller type with computing function Hold memory function A...
The GTS-230N has a 24 numeric key-keyboard build in. This...
Total Station has 3.5 inches extremely large LCD display of...
The transit theodolite is used by the surveyor to measure bo...
A total station is an electronic/optical instrument used in...
Laser distance measurements up to: 3500m
Pendulum Impact Tester The Pendulum Impact Tester is designe...
Hycon 1000T Tipper Capacity : 1000Kg
Weigh Batcher Batch Capacity : 200kg per bin 2bins Indicat...
Concrete Mixer Features : * Double chain drive * Chain &am...
Direct Shear Apparatus (Digital Model)
Direct Shear Apparatus (Digital Model) Used to determine the...
Direct Shear Apparatus (Motorised Twelve...
Direct Shear Apparatus (Motorised Twelve Speed) Loading Un...
Direct Shear Apparatus (Motorised Model)
Direct Shear Apparatus (Motorised Model) Consists of loadin...
Moisture contents at which soil has smallest plasticity is c...
Shrinkage limit is the maximum water content at which a redu...
Dynamic Cone Penetration Apparatus
Consists of one cone, plain 50 mm base diameter and cone ang...
Extractor Frame (Hydraulic) We have in our range Extractor...
Extractor Frame - Universal Comprises of a frame designed f...
Field Density Test Apparatus (Core Cutte...
Field Density Test Apparatus (Core Cutter Method) Cutter is...
Field Density Test Apparatus (Sand Repla...
Field Density Test Apparatus (Sand Replacement) Field Densi...
Field Type CBR Apparatus Connector set, has eight connecto...
Test Sieves Useful for particle size analysis of soil. Sie...
High Speed Stirrer This is for mechanical analysis and also...
Infrared Moisture Balance The infrared moisture balance is...
Laboratory CBR Apparatus Supplied with bench mounting type...
Laboratory Vane Shear The Vane shaft is attached through th...
Lateral Pressure Assembly 10 Kg cm2
Lateral Pressure Assembly 10 Kg cm2 It is designed for appli...
Lateral Pressure Assembly 20 Kg CM2
Lateral Pressure Assembly 20 Kg CM2 Same as Lateral Pressu...
Liquid Limit Device Hand Operated With consists of a brass...
Marsh Cone Funnel This cone is used to find out viscosity of...
Plate Bearing Test Apparatus Hand operated Hydraulic jack...
Proctor Compaction Apparatus 1000 CC :- It will be made of M...
Proctor Needle (Spring Type) The instrument consists of a n...
Proving Ring Proving Rings are used for load measurements an...
Rapid Moisture Meter The unit consists of a pressure vessel...
Relative Density Apparatus For meeting the huge market deman...
Sampling Outfits Augers Sampling Auger, Screw type with one...
Sand Equivalent Value Test Apparatus
Sand Equivalent Value Test Apparatus 4 Plastic Measuring cyl...
Soil Hydrometer Hydrometer jars are used to suspend soil hy...
Soil Permeability Apparatus Our Permeability Test Apparatus...
Standard Penetration Test Kit Drive Weight, 65 kg, fitted...
Swell Test Apparatus 1. One loading unit Hand. operated 5000...
Load Frame LOAD FRAME, Motorised cum hand: Tow pillar type...
Unconfined Compression Tester The ruggedly constructed mach...
Water in Bituminous Material (DEAN-STARK...
Water in Bituminous Material (DEAN-STARK) Used to determine...
Skid Resistance Tester We are offering a wide range of Skid...
Triaxial Compression Test Machine
Capacity : 40 ~ 100 KN Type : Triaxial System Applica...
Unconfined Compression Test Machine
Features : The electric strain unconfined compression tester...
Features : The Equipment is designed to test...
Consolidation Equipment (Settlement Of S...
Consolidation Equipment (Settlement Of Soil) Application The...
Technical Specifications : The equipment of Cement Mortar...
Concrete Mixer Machine Features : The machine is motoriz...
Features : Meet GB/T1346, ASTM C187, ISO 9597 The appa...
Concrete Vibrator Machine With Nozzle
Concrete Vibrator Machine With Nozzle Technical Specificatio...
Sieve Shaker Application The high frequency Sieve Shaker...
Brick Cutter Technical Specifications of Brick Cutter : R...
Soil Humidity And Density Apparatus
Soil Humidity And Density Apparatus Technical Specifications...
Soil Moisture Tester Features : The speedy Soil...
Soil Sieve Technical Specifications : Fine Soil Sieve :...
Cleveland Flash Tester Power supply : AC 22 ~ 240, 50~60...
Marshal Stability Testing Machine
Marshal Stability Testing Machine Features The Marshall...
Los Angeles Abrasion Test Machine
Los Angeles Abrasion Test Machine Features The Los Angele...
Liquid Limit Apparatus Features The Liquid Limit Apparatu...
Precision Engineered Cube Mould
Precision Engineered Cube Mould Feature Precision Engineere...
Features of Auto Level Unique design of Auto Level High...
Features of Digital Level Automatic reading of Digital Le...
Features of Laser Theodolite Laser Theodolite Good visibi...
Digital CBR Test Machine Features The Digital CBR Test M...
Concrete cube moulds (150X150x150mm)
Specification:- Cube size: 150X150X150mm Cast Iron Conc...
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