Dynamic Loading System


Dynamic Loading System was designed and developed for the investigation of masonry wall behavior during seismic loading. It can also be used to establish reduction factors to the elastic design spectr...

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Dynamic Loading System was designed and developed for the investigation of masonry wall behavior during seismic loading. It can also be used to establish reduction factors to the elastic design spectrum.Included with this system is the "state-of-the-art" digital servo controller. The easy-to-use Windows software allows application of cyclic loads using pre-defined functions such as ramps, sine, triangular, random, etc., at frequencies up to 50 Hertz. It is also possible the application of user generated profiles such as a digitized earthquake record with the function of prerecorded waves.

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Dynamic Loading System was designed and developed for the investigation of masonry wall behavior during seismic loading. It can also be used to establish reduction factors to the elastic design spectrum.Included with this system is the "state-of-the-art" digital servo controller. The easy-to-use Windows software allows application of cyclic loads using pre-defined functions such as ramps, sine, triangular, random, etc., at frequencies up to 50 Hertz. It is also possible the application of user generated profiles such as a digitized earthquake record with the function of prerecorded waves.

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