Eye With Orbit 5x life Size 4 Parts

Categories: Biology Lab Equipment

Eye With Orbit 5x life Size 4 Parts Description:Eye with orbit, 5x life size, 4 parts - his 5x life size model shows the eyeball with optic nerves and muscles in its natural position in the bony orb...

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Eye With Orbit 5x life Size 4 Parts

Description:Eye with orbit, 5x life size, 4 parts - his 5x life size model shows the eyeball with optic nerves and muscles in its natural position in the bony orbit. The removable parts are: rectus lateralis muscle, levator palpebrae superioris muscle with lacrimal gland, eyeball with extrinsic eye muscles, base of bony orbit. Mounted on base.  

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Eye With Orbit 5x life Size 4 Parts

Description:Eye with orbit, 5x life size, 4 parts - his 5x life size model shows the eyeball with optic nerves and muscles in its natural position in the bony orbit. The removable parts are: rectus lateralis muscle, levator palpebrae superioris muscle with lacrimal gland, eyeball with extrinsic eye muscles, base of bony orbit. Mounted on base.  

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