Human Ear 3x life Size 5 Parts

Categories: Biology Lab Equipment

Human Ear 3x life Size 5 Parts Description:Ear, 3x life size, 5 parts - This 3x life size model shows the external, middle and inner ear. The eardrum with malleus, incus and stapes are removable. Th...

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Human Ear 3x life Size 5 Parts

Description:Ear, 3x life size, 5 parts - This 3x life size model shows the external, middle and inner ear. The eardrum with malleus, incus and stapes are removable. The other removable parts are composed of cochlea and labyrinth with vestibular and cochlear nerves, 2 bone sections that define the middle and inner ear. Mounted on base

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Human Ear 3x life Size 5 Parts

Description:Ear, 3x life size, 5 parts - This 3x life size model shows the external, middle and inner ear. The eardrum with malleus, incus and stapes are removable. The other removable parts are composed of cochlea and labyrinth with vestibular and cochlear nerves, 2 bone sections that define the middle and inner ear. Mounted on base

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