Muscles Hand - 4 Parts

Categories: Biology Lab Equipment

Muscles Hand - 4 Parts Description:Muscles Hand - 4 Parts : This life size model is composed of 4 parts. The palmar aponeurosis and the palmaris brevis can be removed to reveal the underlying networ...

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Muscles Hand - 4 Parts

Description:Muscles Hand - 4 Parts : This life size model is composed of 4 parts. The palmar aponeurosis and the palmaris brevis can be removed to reveal the underlying network of muscles, tendons, vessels and nerves. A deeper palmar dissection allows observation of the palmaris longus tendon, the palmar carpal ligament and the median nerve. Part of the thenar muscles can be removed to expose the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery. A superficial dorsal dissection shows ligaments, nerves and vessels.

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Muscles Hand - 4 Parts

Description:Muscles Hand - 4 Parts : This life size model is composed of 4 parts. The palmar aponeurosis and the palmaris brevis can be removed to reveal the underlying network of muscles, tendons, vessels and nerves. A deeper palmar dissection allows observation of the palmaris longus tendon, the palmar carpal ligament and the median nerve. Part of the thenar muscles can be removed to expose the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery. A superficial dorsal dissection shows ligaments, nerves and vessels.

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