Reaction Crystallization Pilot The bench allows two types of crystallization : Reaction Crystallization Pilot By cooling of the mixture, while exploiting the reduced solubility of the component to sep...
By cooling of the mixture, while exploiting the reduced solubility of the component to separate, at lower temperature. In crystallization by cooling, the solution to treat is stocked in a thermostatic vat, and stirred in order to maintain the component to separate in solution. The treatment at high temperature is assured by of hot water circulation (80°C to 90°C) in the jacket of the vat. When the complete solubility is gotten until the separation of the thermostatic compound, a measuring pump provides on control the transfer of mixture in the crystallizer, this one also include a vat with a double jacket in which circulate the cooling water. When the crystallization of the product we wants to separate is obtained, the solid part is discharged in a vat, through the bottom vat valve. - by evaporation of the solvent, while decreasing the solubility of the component to separate in the solution. In crystallization by evaporation, the solution to treat is immediately loaded in the crystallizer, the thermal fluid is a low-pressure steam (110°C. 1,4 bar). The generated steams are sent then in a condenser, in a cooler, and in a test-tube. The complete installation can be put under vacuum, in order to decrease the temperature of the heating thermal fluid. In this case, we can use a thermal fluid in liquid state.
By cooling of the mixture, while exploiting the reduced solubility of the component to separate, at lower temperature. In crystallization by cooling, the solution to treat is stocked in a thermostatic vat, and stirred in order to maintain the component to separate in solution. The treatment at high temperature is assured by of hot water circulation (80°C to 90°C) in the jacket of the vat. When the complete solubility is gotten until the separation of the thermostatic compound, a measuring pump provides on control the transfer of mixture in the crystallizer, this one also include a vat with a double jacket in which circulate the cooling water. When the crystallization of the product we wants to separate is obtained, the solid part is discharged in a vat, through the bottom vat valve. - by evaporation of the solvent, while decreasing the solubility of the component to separate in the solution. In crystallization by evaporation, the solution to treat is immediately loaded in the crystallizer, the thermal fluid is a low-pressure steam (110°C. 1,4 bar). The generated steams are sent then in a condenser, in a cooler, and in a test-tube. The complete installation can be put under vacuum, in order to decrease the temperature of the heating thermal fluid. In this case, we can use a thermal fluid in liquid state.
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