Reciprocating Shaking Bath

Categories: Laboratory Research Equipment Manufacturer

Reciprocating Shaking Bath Reciprocating Shaking Bath can be used as a shaking water or constant-temperature bath. Adjustable temperature, stroke and speed provides versatility. Excellent ±0.1°C unif...

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Reciprocating Shaking Bath Reciprocating Shaking Bath can be used as a shaking water or constant-temperature bath. Adjustable temperature, stroke and speed provides versatility. Excellent ±0.1°C uniform water temperature. Gentle to vigorous shaking with 15 to 20 cycles per minute.

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Reciprocating Shaking Bath Reciprocating Shaking Bath can be used as a shaking water or constant-temperature bath. Adjustable temperature, stroke and speed provides versatility. Excellent ±0.1°C uniform water temperature. Gentle to vigorous shaking with 15 to 20 cycles per minute.

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