Strain Bridge Strain Bridge has high-contrast digital display gives a direct reading in micro-strains, for half or full bridge operation of the six channels. Measurements with a quarter bridge configu...
Strain Bridge has high-contrast digital display gives a direct reading in micro-strains, for half or full bridge operation of the six channels. Measurements with a quarter bridge configuration can be made by adding a resistor. The gauge factor can be adjusted between 1 and 5. Each channel can be balanced separately by means of multiturn potentiometers. An analogue output for each channel permits the display of the signals using an oscilloscope or a plotter, and also data acquisition. With the bridge energisation of 2.5 V, strain gauges of 120 W minimum can be used. These can be in Constantan, Isoelastic Karma or Platinum - Tungsten alloys. The 20 000 point digital display allows measurements in the range ± 20 000 mm/m, whatever the gauge alloy.
Strain Bridge has high-contrast digital display gives a direct reading in micro-strains, for half or full bridge operation of the six channels. Measurements with a quarter bridge configuration can be made by adding a resistor. The gauge factor can be adjusted between 1 and 5. Each channel can be balanced separately by means of multiturn potentiometers. An analogue output for each channel permits the display of the signals using an oscilloscope or a plotter, and also data acquisition. With the bridge energisation of 2.5 V, strain gauges of 120 W minimum can be used. These can be in Constantan, Isoelastic Karma or Platinum - Tungsten alloys. The 20 000 point digital display allows measurements in the range ± 20 000 mm/m, whatever the gauge alloy.
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