Working Model OF Different Types of Brakes

Categories: Mechanical Lab Equipment Manufacturer

Working Model OF Different Types of Brakes Description: This model contain two disc brakes in the front and two drum brakes at the rear and it is made out of original parts such as two master cylinde...

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Working Model OF Different Types of Brakes


This model contain two disc brakes in the front and two drum brakes at the rear and it is made out of original parts such as two master cylinder Assembly ( one sectioned and one working) wheel cylinder, Brake drum, Brake shoes, calipers etc. Suitably sectioned and mounted on a sturdy iron frame. By operating the lever provided, the working procedure of the model can be demonstrated.

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Working Model OF Different Types of Brakes


This model contain two disc brakes in the front and two drum brakes at the rear and it is made out of original parts such as two master cylinder Assembly ( one sectioned and one working) wheel cylinder, Brake drum, Brake shoes, calipers etc. Suitably sectioned and mounted on a sturdy iron frame. By operating the lever provided, the working procedure of the model can be demonstrated.

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