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The use of Electronics Science in the Automobile Industry is called Autotronics. It is hence a combination of electronics and automobiles. This is done in order to make a system for the automobile field that makes it safe, improved and efficient. As most of the parts in the Automobiles are electric, the advancements are done frequently in the field of Autotronics.
The new era designing and the latest Autotronics System is available at the ATICO Exports.
Autotronics usage in automobiles:
The Engine Controlling System, Airbags, Antilock Braking System, Lightening Interiors, GPS, Music System, etc.
Also, control units like the Sensors, Motors and Digital Equipment establish communication between essential components of the vehicle.
Various Systems of Autotronics:
Autotronic Braking System/Electronic Braking System
Control of Steering System
Suspension System
Transmission Control
Electronic control of the Fuel Intake of Engine
Associated Terms:
Autotronics Training Equipment can be used for Educational Purposes and other Varied Autotronic Systems can be used by the technicians in the Automobile Industry.
Autotronics Laboratory, on the other hand, allows theoretical study and also the practicality of the problems related to this field. The Laboratory consists of the set of modules to study electricity and the Electric Circuits, a set of stimulation panels of Electronic systems in modern automobiles, Demonstrations to conduct theory and introduction to the system. A set of panels with real components and a set of sectioned components.
Our standard quality Electronics Lab Equipment is an essential part of your Electronic Lab Experiments. The innovative design of the Autotronics system is advantageous for both theoretical and practical learning. ATICO Exports are the country