Flow Through Particle Layers

Categories: Engineering Lab Equipment

Flow through particle layers is widely encountered in process engineering. In reactors, fixed and fluidised beds are subjected to through-flow by liquids and gases. The separation of solids from suspe...

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Flow through particle layers is widely encountered in process engineering. In reactors, fixed and fluidised beds are subjected to through-flow by liquids and gases. The separation of solids from suspensions by cake and depth filtration is another area of application.
With the fluid mechanic principles involved in flow through fixed beds and fluidised beds can be investigated. For the purpose, a fillable test tank made of glass is provided, through which water can be made to flow from both ends. A sintered-metal plate serves as the base for bulk solids.
Water from the laboratory water connection flows into the test tank. To investigate flow through fixed beds, the water enters the test tank from the top. It flows through the fixed bed and the sintered-metal plate and passes by way of a distributor to the outlet.

Learning Objectives/Experiments
Learning the fundamentals of flow through fixed beds and fluidised beds (Darcy)
Observation of the fluidisation process
Pressure loss dependent on the flow rate, type, particle size and height of the bulk solid
Determination of the fluidisation velocity and comparison with theoretically calculated values
Verification of Carman-Kozeny equation

Experiments in the fundamentals of fluid mechanics on particle layers
Flow through fixed beds
Flow through fluidised beds
Pressure loss in fixed beds and fluidised beds

Investigation of the properties of fixed and fluidised beds subjected to liquid flow
Glass test tank with sintered filter medium on its base
Test tank removable for filling
Downward flow to investigate fixed beds
Upward flow to investigate fluidised beds
Flow meter with valve for adjustment
2 manometers with differing measuring ranges to measure pressure loss through the test tank
Steel rule to measure the height of the fixed or fluidised bed

Technical data
Test tank
length: 510mm
inner diameter: approx. 37mm
material: DURAN glass
Filter medium
thickness: 2mm
material: sintered metal
Expansion tank
capacity: approx. 4500mL
material: PVC
Measuring ranges
flow rate: 82…820mL/min
differential pressure:
2x 0…500mmWC
1x 0…250mbar
height: 10…500mm

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quick overview :

Flow through particle layers is widely encountered in process engineering. In reactors, fixed and fluidised beds are subjected to through-flow by liquids and gases. The separation of solids from suspensions by cake and depth filtration is another area of application.
With the fluid mechanic principles involved in flow through fixed beds and fluidised beds can be investigated. For the purpose, a fillable test tank made of glass is provided, through which water can be made to flow from both ends. A sintered-metal plate serves as the base for bulk solids.
Water from the laboratory water connection flows into the test tank. To investigate flow through fixed beds, the water enters the test tank from the top. It flows through the fixed bed and the sintered-metal plate and passes by way of a distributor to the outlet.

Learning Objectives/Experiments
Learning the fundamentals of flow through fixed beds and fluidised beds (Darcy)
Observation of the fluidisation process
Pressure loss dependent on the flow rate, type, particle size and height of the bulk solid
Determination of the fluidisation velocity and comparison with theoretically calculated values
Verification of Carman-Kozeny equation

Experiments in the fundamentals of fluid mechanics on particle layers
Flow through fixed beds
Flow through fluidised beds
Pressure loss in fixed beds and fluidised beds

Investigation of the properties of fixed and fluidised beds subjected to liquid flow
Glass test tank with sintered filter medium on its base
Test tank removable for filling
Downward flow to investigate fixed beds
Upward flow to investigate fluidised beds
Flow meter with valve for adjustment
2 manometers with differing measuring ranges to measure pressure loss through the test tank
Steel rule to measure the height of the fixed or fluidised bed

Technical data
Test tank
length: 510mm
inner diameter: approx. 37mm
material: DURAN glass
Filter medium
thickness: 2mm
material: sintered metal
Expansion tank
capacity: approx. 4500mL
material: PVC
Measuring ranges
flow rate: 82…820mL/min
differential pressure:
2x 0…500mmWC
1x 0…250mbar
height: 10…500mm

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