quick overview :
The machine will be supplied with following as minimum specifications:-
X-Ray Tube
X-Ray generator
- Generator output power: 3KW
- Tube voltage setting: 20-60KV
- Tube current setting: 2-80mA
- Radius: minimum 200mm
- Minimum step angle: 0.0001°
- Scan range: -6 to 82°
- Filter:Ni
- Observation window: Lead contained transparent acyrl plate min 8mm thick.
Standard Accessories
- Sample holders for powder
- Setting jig
- Absorber
- Standard sample
- Case for attachment
Data Processing
- This is used to control the XRD system and collect measurement data as well as analyze data by various forms of data processing Hardware system
- PC/AT compatible machine
- CRT 17 “ 1280x1024 color
- Color printer
- Control software
- Data processing software for:-
- File management, conversion from XRD to ASCII data and back
- Basic data processing; smoothing, subtraction of background, peak search, system error correction, calculation of integrated intensity, etc.
- Qualitative analysis; Automatic search and match using ICDD data base
- Quantitative analysis: generation of working curve, calculation for unknown samples
- Graphic display: vertical display, horizontal display, superpose (3D) , log scale.
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