quick overview :
Mobile robot has been designed expressly for the development of applications of robotics such as remote control, telepresence and autonomous navigation. In detail, mobile robot is enabled for remote control even via Internet, that is monitoring and controlling the robot from any PC networked in the web. The software of the equipment also enables to catch and save images and videos, besides programming and controlling the robot.
• Programming techniques
• Remote control
• Telepresence
• Studying Infrared, Ultrasonic and Passive Infrared Sensors
• Control of DC motors
Robot is enabled for three modes of operation:
• Manual mode
This robot moves along according to the controls sent by the user. Control signals can be sent from a local or remote PC; furthermore the robot can be controlled via a joystick (included in the equipment) or with the mouse.
• Automatic
The robot moves along autonomously using the built-in sensors to avoid collisions with near obstacles.
• Stand By
This mode enables the robot to be ready to receive control signals for a time period of 10 hours.
The robot is provided with 3 wheels enabling it to move along in any direction.
Mechanical and Control elements:
• 2 DC motors of 12 V; each motor can output a torque of 22 kg/cm
• Motors controlled by current and position feedback
• 2 Encoders of 1200 pulses coupled to the motors
• Diametre of wheels: 18 cm
• Max. speed: 1 m/s
• 7 degrees of freedom of which:
- 5 degrees for head animation
- 2 degrees for the mobile platform
Electronic components:
• Fully integrated WiFi system (802.11g): it supports UDP and TCP/IP protocols
• Colour videos and images with built-in audio
• Graphic LCD screen 128 x 64 for displaying icons, messages or data of sensors
• Collision sensors:
- 3 ultrasonic sensors
- 7 infrared sensors
- 2 Passive Infrared sensors for detecting the heat of a human body.
Open programming environment:
It supports programming under MS Windows 7 (64 bit / 32 bit), Windows Vista (64 bit / 32 bit) and XP.
Power Supply: 230 Vac 50/60 Hz (to recharge the batteries)
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